
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

some 60 worders

A writing challenge of mine is to write a story in 60 words or are a few attempts. Please feel free to critique any or all....

Evelyn didn’t understand why her husband detested Luci, she was such a friend. Well he needn’t know where this evening’s delights came from. Luci had convinced her this was the elixir of life and tonight they would be not only immortal but omniscient.

Emerging from the darkness Luci hissed:

“Tonight , you’ll be with me in Hell.”


My Friend -Ricky
He had coughed all night long keeping me awake. It sounded like he was choking but I knew he had had nothing to eat that he could choke on. Old age hadn’t crept in it had just leapt in. One day Ricky was fine running around chasing the grandchildren, the next, well…. I cried all the way to and from the vets.


The dark stillness hung in the air and encroached my senses. The flurry of snow became more of a blizzard. Shadows crept and leaped at every turn, my heart raced, I tried to quicken my pace but the icy snow crunched underfoot and I found myself slipping. Slow down, don’t be stupid I told myself. Crunch, footsteps behind. Complete darkness.


“I don’t want to be in that stupid Nativity” Rhys snuggled beneath the quilt. Waking suddenly a bright light created unrecognisable shadows in his room. What was that smell? A lamb bleated, shadows became people. He dived undercover peeping as a baby cried and angel voices sang:

“Hail, Prince of Glory”

Rhys would never view the Nativity the same again.




Elsie sat staring at the man at the adjacent table. He was handsome and charming, the lady facing him was enthralled. Elsie’s heart fluttered, she tingled then involuntarily shivered , raised her hand to the scar running deep down her face.

Flicking back her hair she motioned to them to look at her scar.

“That’s how charming John really is.”