Sunday 10 December 2017

Are your hands full?

Are your hands full? Full of laundry, or shopping or dishes or work tools? No matter the time of life you're in right now whether its motherhood, career progression, or caregiver to eldery parents if you are like me I'd guess your hands are so full and at the end of the day your brain is mush, your muscles ache and tiredness doesn't do justice to describe how you feel. 

Then the added pressure of Christmas season piles on eating up your calendar from all sides...go there, come here, do this, do that. Oh and smile and be merry and don't forget the reason for the season, don't forget, dear christian, to share and teach one of the greatest miracles of all time. There are lots and lots and lots of resources to help you to teach you kids, colleagues, parents, whoever. there's over a billion self help guides sitting in your inbox and weighing down your bookshelf to help you (okay a little exaggeration but you get the point!). It is all good and it's not difficult but when your hands are full just one little request is enough to derail you and knock you off your tightly managed schedule.

The other day I was just in from work, chopping vegetables and preparing dinner and in between stuffing the laundry into the washing machine when my youngest grand-daughter asked if I could drive her to Santa's shop, NOW. 
One little request is enough to derail and knock you off your tightly managed schedule...

This is a busy season, it's christmas time, but then, when isn't it a busy season? Motherhood's a busy time, career building that's busy, care giver that's busy, retired with grand-kids that's busy. When isn't it a busy season of life? when do you ever not have your hands full?

Time is something you cannot beat, you can't speed it up and you can't slow it down. So mothers, daughters, colleagues embrace where you are, embrace the beautiful mess of your current season.
Truthfully I am convinced the devil will steal your joy through distraction and busyness, they are his ploys and lies to keep us constantly on the go so that we never stop and wonder.  We never stop to wonder at the truth and beauty and love of God. How He loved us so much and gave us so much, the wonder of a beautiful Saviour given, His love displayed for us.

If we are not careful we will miss it, we will miss the most precious moments of this season of our lives. We will busy ourselves with the tree and lights and decorations, we will buy and wrap gifts, we will dress up and head out to all the parties and christmas will come and go and some will breathe that sigh of relief its all over for another year. And we will miss it.

Are your hands full and your heart empty? Set down the laundry for just a moment, reschedule and make room for what really matters. Breathe, look around you, look up let the wonder of Jesus the Saviour seep into and through those aching, tired and weary bones. It will probably be hard, I doubt it will be easy, but it will certainly be worth it. 

My prayer is that we will not miss it.

and I wish you a happy christmas.



  1. Agree about the derailment definitely because there is always that other little thing that comes along.
